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Wildwood Academics

Wildwood School prides itself on using evidence based best practice when working with students with autism and developmental disabilities. Our students benefit from a variety of curriculum resources. Educational technology is infused in most of the work that we do. We follow the Common Core Learning Standards as set forth by New York State Education Department. Most of our students are assessed through the New York State Alternate Assessment.

At the elementary level, each child’s program is designed to meet their individual needs with the main focus being on skill acquisition, functional communication and activities in daily living.  Students’ programs are designed with a balance among these, as well as in areas of learning readiness, literacy, math, science and social studies.  Positive behavior support is embedded within the program to increase pro-social interactions and decrease challenging behaviors as they arise.  Leisure and community skills are focused on at a developmental level.
The intermediate level continues to expand on skill acquisition and target communication.  Academic, social and cognitive needs are addressed through individual and small group instruction.  Pro-social and positive behavior supports are embedded within the daily program.  Literacy, math, social studies, science, technology, family and consumer sciences, as well as others, are part of the student’s daily schedule.  Community based outings continue for school based activities.

The High School Program Level is designed to provide our students with the skills they need to achieve the most independent life possible as adults. The High School Program uses real world experiences as well as best practice curriculum to give our students the tools they need to succeed. All of the High School students are exposed to instruction based on the Common Core Learning and the Career Development Occupational Skills (CDOS) Standards. Student skill acquisition is based on Essential Outcomes (EOs). Staff work with the students on a daily basis to address skills related to daily living skills, academics, Health, wellness, and safety developed the EOs. Students participate in career development through work based learning, as well as art and music education. Adapted physical education instruction includes formal skill building in lifelong sports, such as bowling, swimming, and fitness. The High School students also participate in classroom businesses to develop functional math and social skills. The money acquired through classroom businesses and fundraising are used toward an end of the year spring trip and school Prom.



The young adult level recognizes the importance of transitioning students and their families into the world of adult services.  Students and families work collaboratively with classroom, transition, and work based learning staff to explore and develop post graduation outcomes.  Program design reflects a dynamic set of opportunities that allow students to synthesize their skills and apply them to everyday life in both the classroom and community settings. The program is highly individualized and designed to tap into students’ interests, aptitude, ability and choice.