Supporting people in being active, engaged and involved members of their community in the ways they choose.

Recreation Services
This program offers activities for individuals of all ages. The goals of the program include not only enjoyment of leisure time and respite, but also socialization and integration within the community. The staff creatively seek activities that broaden the participants’ experience and further their goals in areas like social and life skills. It is a social program assisting people in small group situations with their leisure pursuits within the community. Independent access of the community is the goal, but staff can assist individuals so that they may participate in this service. People can select from the recreation offerings and choose the ones they want to enjoy.
The program is open to all OPWDD eligible individuals. We serve people from across the life span in a variety of settings. Some of the more formal services include Saturday Recreation and GAP for school aged people. The GAP program meets in the daytime during school vacations and is a service for families without other options for these school breaks. Adult Respite and Adult Recreation serve individuals over the age of 18 living in their family home.
Throughout the Capital District.
For more information, please contact Lisa Liopiris, Director of Recreation/Respite at 518.640.3364
Family Support Services
In addition to benefiting the individual, the programs are also meant to assist the family members and/or caregivers. This includes the following areas:
- Information and referrals
- Educational/informational workshops
- Support groups for individuals receiving services or their family members
- Counseling services
- Therapeutic yoga services for individuals and groups
- In-Home Behavior Support services
- Reimbursement for respite and goods and services
Throughout the Capital District.
For more information, please contact Brittany DeBell, Director of Family Services at 518.640.3356
The name “SoRSE” is short for Social Relationships and Sexuality Education. This is a program for people who are FSS eligible to have access to education, counseling, support, information and connection to resources specifically about healthy relationships and sexuality. We provide a few services, such as workshops, small groups, and 1:1 individual counseling session support. The program can also provide Sexual Consent assessments as needed. Examples of work might include, but are not limited to:
- Supporting parents to help a family as a young adult at home enters the phase of their life when they wish to begin dating.
- Helping a tween and their parents learn about puberty, and how to discuss it.
- How to make friends, and have a socially appropriate, fulfilling time with them
- Hygiene assistance
Anyone who is, or who has a family member who has OPWDD eligibility and lives within the Capital Region. This means someone who is the parent of a person with I/DD and receives OPWDD services, or an individual who receives OPWDD services AND who lives at home with family. The person may or may not have Self-Direction. If someone is in Self-Direction they will need to complete a budget amendment adding the service into their budget before receiving the service. A person who is living on their own in a supported apartment, group residence, or school residence would not be eligible.
Please inquire anyway! We’d rather figure out if the program can help you, first. If you are truly not eligible, we can make appropriate referrals, as we maintain connections with other similar resources in the NY area.
Yes! There is one requirement: any professional person must bring at least one FSS-eligible parent or person along with them, who may also benefit from the workshop topic.
Please contact program administration at sorse-connections@wildwoodprograms.org . The basic requirements are to submit OPWDD eligibility letter, Life Plan with the SoRSE Program written in, and the most recent Psychological Evaluation.
At this time, there is typically a 3-6 month waiting period to start. 1:1 counseling can last up to 6 months. An initial assessment of need is determined at intake.
This program aims to help people learn about Social Relationships and Sexuality tailored to their personal needs, learning needs, and individual values. The Rights of individuals under OPWDD Guidelines about Social Relationships and Sexuality will be respected. This program is about helping people learn and decide what is true and right for them, and all cultural needs will be gladly included in conversation, in tandem with safety needs.
Adult Education
Materials are adopted and modified to enhance learning, and students are assisted in getting accommodations and modifications for testing, training and other learning opportunities.
Courses are offered in a variety of topics including; work related skills, the arts, finances, interpersonal skills, literacy and wellness skills.
Register for Adult Education Classes at Wildwoodprograms.org/adult-education
Click Here to access multiple trainings on Independence, Budgeting and Learning to Let Go.
Our Latham Offices and Mosaic Village in Cohoes. We also offer Virtual classes.
For more information, please contact Quill Nooney, Director of Adult Education at 518.640.3347
In-Home Respite
Often this service is one-to-one, and designed to fit the family’s schedule and can be provided seven days a week. Services are provided at minimum for two hours a day.
Albany, Southern Saratoga, Schenectady, and Rensselaer Counties.
For questions or referrals related to any of the other services listed above, please contact: inhomerespite@wildwoodprograms.org
Community Habilitation
Often this service is one-to-one, and designed to fit the individual’s schedule and can be provided up to seven days a week. Services are provided at minimum for two hours a day.
Individuals, 13 years and older, who are OPWDD eligible and who live with their family, in a Residential Setting, or Independently are eligible.
Albany, Southern Saratoga, Schenectady, and Rensselaer Counties.
For more information, please contact: communityhabilitation@wildwoodprograms.org