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At Wildwood, we aim to enhance our community by connecting businesses in the Capital Region with qualified job-seekers living with disabilities. Discover how our employment services enable businesses to access federal, state, and public funding that helps hiring professionals create successful job matches, develop effective retention strategies, and adopt a culture of inclusion in the workplace.
Access an untapped market of qualified candidates with neurologically-based learning disabilities, autism, and other developmental disorders who are looking to lead purposeful lives through part-time and full-time work. Wildwood partners with businesses in many industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, retail, human and public services, hospitality, technology, and administrative fields. We learn about your hiring needs and match your business with qualified candidates who receive our job-assistance services, all at no cost to you.
When you hire someone who receives services from Wildwood, we can continue to support them both on and off the job to ensure that both your employee and your business thrive. Our skilled Employment Specialists provide support by working closely with employees and employers to ensure your business’ needs are being met successfully. We can help individuals master their job tasks, improve communication, build confidence in their roles, and develop techniques to succeed and advance in the workplace. Supports are individualized and vary in intensity and duration based on the needs of the employee and of your business.
At Wildwood, we understand that working with an agency like ours may be new territory for hiring managers and current employees at your business. Therefore, we offer free one-on-one consultations and staff trainings to help your business strengthen its commitment to inclusion by building a culture of acceptance. We can also point you to valuable resources like tax credits, training opportunities, and other incentives to hiring workers with disabilities.